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"Barbecue Festival", Zlatograd 2016

Българските корени
"Празник на чевермето", Златоград 2016

Zlatograd shares the mysteries of the mountain. The day after St. George's Day, the city organizes the Zlatograd Barbecue Festival. 101 kaba bagpipes announced the mountain and made all the guests feel the magic of this beautiful area. And 150 barbecues revolved from dark dawns and carried a delicious aroma to the delight of thousands of visitors from all over the country. "There is order here. Everyone should wear folklore costumes. The reason is to promote Rhodope music, bagpipes, folklore costumes and delicious dishes from Zlatograd ," said Mayor Miroslav Yanchev. From the personal experience of the team that depicts the event - a very tasty holiday, a pleasure for all the senses, which we highly recommend to visit with family and friends.

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