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"Stani, nine ..." (Koleduvane), Yambol 2016

Българските корени

"Стани, нине..." (Коледуване), Ямбол 2016

December 25, 2016 - the town of Yambol resounds once again with the soungs of the koledars, and the stomping on the boots of the koledars shakes the ground. The celebration in the City Park is attended by 12 compositions, preserving the authentic Yambol tradition. The clothes of the koledars and their dance - “buenek”, unique and characteristic only for the region of Yambol, are preserved to this day. The beautiful male “buenek” (round dance ) is the only possible expression of self-confidence, strength and longing for freedom in the time of Turkish slavery. The koledars went around the homes, blessed the householders and the home, and they gave them buns, walnuts, sausages, a fortune coin!

For this region, Christmas is a sacrament - taught from father to son.

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